Dragon Nest Indonesia
Kamis, 14 Maret 2013
Skill build mercenary
Build skill ini sudah dalam tahap T4. Char Merc saya ini saya buat ke jalur Barbarian dengan tipe semi DPS+Support PvE Crit Based. Jadi skill build ini sangat bisa di sarankan jika kalian suka nest atau farming di dungeon/nest.
Build Skill Warrior
Build Skill Mercenary
1. Jika kalian mau mengambil "Crisis Howl" untuk membuat counter dapat diambil 1 SP dari Demolition Fist.
2. "Mental Fortitude" cukup lv 1 saja dan "Attuned Mind" cukup lv 2 karena MP Reg lebih diutamakan.
3. "Dash Kick" tidak perlu diambil karena Mercenary sudah punya "Dash Uppercut"
4. Masih ada sisa 2SP bisa kalian rubah lagi tergantung selera kalian hehe ^_^v
Untuk Skill Heraldry:
1. Premi/High Grade Iron Skin (Duration Increase)
2. Premi/High Grade Axe Tornado (Damage Increase/Cooldown decrease)
3. Premi/High Grade Roll Attack (Damage Increase)
4. Premi/High Grade Whirlwind (Damage Increase)
Note: Untuk Whirlwind atau Iron Skin dapat kalian ganti dengan Premi/High Grade Demolition Fist (Damage Increase) tergantung selera kalian.
Skill build MoonLord
Build ini adalah skill build untuk class Sword Master yang mengambil jalur magic attack dan berencana menjadi Moonlord.
Sword Master adalah 2nd class dari Warrior setelah mengambil spesialisasi dari jalur Great Sword. Pada 3rd class specialization nantinya Sword Master akan dibagi menjadi 2 Job: 'Gladiator' atau 'Moonlord'. Gladiator adalah class yang fokus pada Physical Damage / Short Melee Attack. Sedangkan Moonlord adalah classyang fokus pada Magic Damage / Medium Ranged Attack. Di artikel ini saya akan membagikan skill build untuk Sword Master yang akan mengambil spesialisasi Moonlord nantinya. Build ini saya bagi menjadi 3: Level 24, Level 40, dan Level 50 (karena di Indoensia tidak ada cap 32). Build ini merupakan build yang fokus di PvE dan Half Hybrid (Mengambil beberapa skill fisik, tidak semua).
Build Level 24:
Dari build di level 24 ini saya rasa sudah jelas mengapa saya meningkatkan 'Rising Slash' ke level 6 (Dua kali serangan disambung ke 'Aerial Slash'). Alasan mengapa 'Circle Break' / 'Destructive Swing' tidak saya ambil adalah karenacooldownnya yang sangat lama untuk ukuran skill dasar, alasan kedua adalah karena build ini merupakan Magical Based Build. Mengapa mengambil 'Deep Straight' / 'Forward Thrust'? Skill ini merupakan skill terakhir dimana prequirementnya hanya membutuhkan 1 level saja dan bisa dikombo dengan Eclipse, disamping itu 'Aerial Slash' yang merupakan skill prequirement dari 'Forward Thrust' skill yang wajib dimiliki kecuali anda lebih memilih Pure Magical Build. Di level 24 skill Sword Master tidak banyak dan cooldownnya juga cenderung lama, maka mengambil kedua jalur di level ini merupakan langkah yang cukup baik. 'Sweeping Kick' tidak saya ambil karena build ini merupakan build yang fokus pada PvE saja.
Build Level 40:
Di build level 40, anda harus meninggalkan skill-skill fisik seperti 'Hacking Stance' dan 'Line Drive' / 'Rage'. Mulailah untuk fokus pada skill-skill magic besarkan semua skill magic kecuali 'Cyclone Slash' tinggalkan di level 3 saja karena skill ini digunakan hanya sebatas untuk melakukan Crowd Control dan Disabling saja. Maksimalkan Parrying Stance untuk menambah kemampuan bertahan.
Build Level 50:
Di build level 50, tingkatkan 'Moonlight Splitter' hingga level 11 saja (tidak perlu dimaksimalkan ke level 12) untuk persyaratan mendapatkan skill 'Moonlight Splitter EX'. Sedangkan skill magic lainnya maksimalkan kecuali 'Cyclone Slash'. 'Parry' tinggalkan di level 4 lalu maksimalkan 'Parrying Stance'. Jangan lupa untuk memaksimalkan kemampuan debuff pada skill 'Provoking Slam' / 'Luring Slice'. Untuk skill Moonlord ambil semuanya namun jangan berharap banyak pada skill'Flash Stance', karena skill ini menjadikan karakter anda lamban dan damagenya kecil. Skill yang pasti anda gunakan setiap saat adalah 'Moon Blade Dance' dan 'Moonlight Splitter EX' karena cooldownnya yang singkat dan damagenya yang cukup tinggi
Jika ada pertanyaan langsung saja komen dibawah artikel ini, sebisanya akan saya jawab. Mohon maaf apabila build anda membuat anda tidak nyaman dengan karakter yang anda pakai saat ini. Seperti biasa dibawah ada video solo Moonlord yang bisa anda jadikan referensi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan combo danplaystyle anda.
Dragon Nest | |
Dragon Nestadalah sebuahMMORPGfantasibebas yang dikembangkan oleh Eyedentity. Permainan ini memakai sistem tempur non-target sehingga para pemainnya memegang kendali penuh atas setiap gerakan karakternya. Dragon Nest meminta para pemainnya memutakhirkan karakternya dengan membuat tim dan berkelana ke sejumlah penjara bawah tanah.
Di game ini, terdapat 5 character dan masing masing memiliki kemampuan tersendiri. Class dapat diubah saat level 15 dan 45.
Sesuai namanya, karakter ini menggunakan senjata tipe melee atau jarak dekat. Terdapat 2 jenis class yang dapat dipilih pada level 15, yaitu Sword Master dan Mercenary.
Sword Master adalah class yang gesit dan memiliki kecepatan serang yang tinggi, dan lebih fokus kepada skill magic-nya. Walaupun kekuatan serang yang lebih kecil dibanding Mercenary, jika dibandingkan, kekuatannya sama saja. Misalnya, Mercenary 1 hit mengurangi 5000 hp, sedangkan sword master dengan 3 kombo akan mengurangi 6000 hp.
Mercenary adalah class yang berdaya serang fisik tinggi, namun dibanding Sword Master, Mercenary masih lebih lamban dalam menyerang. Walaupun lambat, tetapi daya serangnya yang tinggi dapat digunakan untuk menghancurkan lawan dengan cepat.
ARCHER Archer menggunakan panah sebagai senjata utamanya, dan merupakan job paling gesit di game ini. Terdapat 2 jenis class yang dapat dipilih pada level 15, yaitu Acrobat dan Hunter.
Acrobat adalah class yang sangat gesit dengan combo yang sangat banyak dibanding hunter, namun dengan critical yang kecil dan daya serang yang kecil.
Hunter adalah class yang tidak terlalu gesit, namun critical dan daya serang yang cukup besar mampu menghancurkan lawan dengan cepat dengan combo yang lumayan banyak, namun lebih sedikit dari Acrobat.
Sorceress menggunakan tongkat sihir sebagai senjata utamanya, berdaya serang fisik rendah, namun berdaya serang magic tinggi. Terdapat 2 jenis class yang dapat dipilih pada level 15, yaitu Force User dan Elemental Lord.
Force User adalah class yang mengutamakan elemen kegelapan pada serangannya, dan juga menbantu teman 1 party dengan skillnya.
Elemental lord adalah class yang mengutamakan elemen es dan api pada serangannya, memiliki combo yang banyak saat mode player vs player.
Cleric menggunakan sebuah wand, atau mace sebagai senjata utamanya, dan menggunakan shield untuk melindungi dirinya. Terdapat 2 jenis class yang dapat dipilih pada level 15, yaitu Paladin dan Priest.
Paladin adalah class yang mengutamakan daya serang fisik, memiliki kecepatan serang yang tinggi dan teknik bloking yang hebat.
Priest adalah class yang mengutamakan tolong menolong sesama party/team dan daya serang magic, terutama Light. Priest dapat menambah HP teman setimnya, sehingga Priest sering disebut sebagai supporter.
Tinkerer atau Academic menggunakan sebuah cannon launcher dan bubble weapon sebagai senjata utamanya. Terdapat 2 jenis class yang dapat dipilih pada level 15, yaitu Engineer dan Alchemist.]
Engineer adalah class yang mengutamakan serangan fisik dibandingkan magic, dan berdaya serang tinggi, dapat menghancurkan lawan dengan cepat.
Alchemist adalah class yang mengutamakan daya serang magic, dapat membuat buff untuk teman satu tim/party, dan memiliki daya serang magic yang tinggi.
Hallo gamers!!!
Masih bingung mau di jadikan apa job kalian selanjutnya??? Mari kita bahas satu per satu
Masih bingung mau di jadikan apa job kalian selanjutnya??? Mari kita bahas satu per satu
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: Low (High Middle Low)
Challenging Maps in Group: 3 Stars (5 Stars in total)
Single PK: 4 Stars
Group PK: 2 Stars (Sword Masters without shields are always the target of the opponent)
Challenging Nest: 3 Stars
Total Stars: 12
Popularity in Teaming up: Low-middle
Advantages: They have a larger area of effect and higher damage than sword masters in melee combats. Owning buffs and stiff effects, they cannot be knocked down easily. Additionally, they are strong in both Single PK and Group PK with rich combined skills.
Disadvantages: Like sword masters, they cannot deal enough damage while challenging maps alone. They have less damage than archers and sorceresses, fewer continuous skills, slower attack speed, more difficult combos and weaker survival ability than sword masters.
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: Low
Challenging Maps in Group: 3 Stars
Single PK: 4 Stars
Group PK: 3 Stars
Challenging Nest: 3 Stars
Total Stars: 13
Popularity in Teaming up: middle
Archer adalah job pengguna bow. Archer memiliki serangan yang sangat jauh lebih jauh daripada sorceress ataupun swordmaster, ketika level 15 kalian dapat memilih 1st job Acrobat atau Bowmaster
Advantages: Their agile manipulation and nimble moves can be felt through jumps and attacks at the beginning of the game. They have the most counter-escape skills, splendid combo skills and strong survival ability in map challenge and Group PK. Their acceleration skills (Speed up attack and skill-casting) are awesome to a group while challenging a map. They even have the highest critical strike rate when their agility reaches a high level.
Disadvantages: Compared with Bow Masters, they deal less damage and have a smaller area of effect. They are easily interrupted while releasing spells and attacks as a result of their long range. They are a class mainly depending on equipment and controls, because they have few damaging and diversionary skills. Good equipment can compensate for little damage, while bad equipment nearly doesn’t cause any damage.
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: Low-middle
Challenging Maps in Group: 3 Stars
Single PK: 5 Stars
Group PK: 3 Stars
Challenging Nest: 3 Stars
Total Stars: 14
Popularity in Teaming up: Middle
dvantages: They deal the highest damage in the early stage. Their puncture and AOE attacks together with long range allow players to enjoy the excitement of dealing massive damage and handle a PK easily. In the later period, their DPS is almost equivalent to Elemental Lords’. They also take the role of containing a boss’ hatred.
Disadvantages: Although bow masters have good skills, easy controls and excel at map challenge and PK, they don’t have any counterattack skills, so they cannot fight back as long as enemies get close. If they are encircled by a group of enemies, they are bound to die. As it takes them a long time to cast physical skills, they are easily assaulted. In comparison with other classes, they have lower HP and physique, thus they need good equipment.
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: High
Challenging Maps in Group: 5 Stars
Single PK: 4 Stars
Group PK: 3 Stars
Challenging Nest: 4 Stars
Total Stars: 16
Popularity in Teaming up: High
Sorceress adalah beginer job yang paling memiliki deff terkecil daripada job yang lain, tetapi Sorceress memiliki M.atk yang paling tinggi. Setelah level 15 kamu bisa memilih untuk menjadi ElementalLord atau ForceUser.
Advantages: They have the highest DPS in Dragon Nest. A strong elemental lord means a DPS dealer in instance. Having various slowdown and debuff skills, they can deal with various classes. They are an entertaining class with a variety of combined skills. They are also main DPS dealers in Group PK, their flash dodge and forceful flash dodge help them run away from a battlefield quickly.
Disadvantages: They have a short attack range and most of their skills are melee ones, so they are required to possess stronger controls and consciousness than melee classes. Having weak survival ability, they are more likely to attract bosses if they don’t control hatred well. Additionally, they have few dodge and escape skills, they may die easily.
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: Middle
Challenging Maps in Group: 4 Stars
Single PK: 4 Stars
Group PK: 4 Stars
Challenging Nest: 4 Stars
Total Stars: 16
Popularity in Teaming up: Upper-middle
Advantages: They have a variety of diversionary skills which can be cast upon bosses in a nest, in addition to a large area of effect. Therefore, force users are the most popular with groups while challenging a large nest. Their MP recovery skill is in demand most. Furthermore, their time-pause skill can be a decisive factor in Group PK.
Disadvantages: Although force users cause massive damage in challenging maps. Their ability in Single PK is not strong enough. More often than not, they often avoid frontal conflict, and escape until the opponent is in cooldown, only at that time do they release skills. However, if two sides run away, the PK will end in a draw unlimitedly.
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: Upper-middle
Challenging Maps in Group: 5 Stars
Single PK: 3 Stars
Group PK: 5 Stars
Challenging Nest: 5 Stars
Total Stars: 18
Popularity in Teaming up: High
Cleric adalah job yang memiliki darah lumayan tebal daripada job yang lain, dan defend tertinggi, cleric adalah 1-1nya job yang dapat menyembuhkan player lain. Cleric sangat dibutuhkan di dalam party karna skill supportnya yang sangat berguna. Ketika level 15 kalian dapat memilih 1st job kalian Paladin atau Priest.
Advantages: Priests are the only class capable of mastering various healing skills, boosting attack and defense and removing diverse debuffs. Meanwhile, they can use another kind of power- Light Element by worshiping Light God, so they also have DPS output. Moreover, they have high defense and physique, parry skill and strong survival ability, so they can challenge the Abyss instance on their own.
Disadvantages: All of their skills are used to recover HP and buff. Therefore, they will let players down in Single PK. However, in Group PK, they can do nothing but help recover HP and cast holy aurora or anything else.
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: Upper-middle
Challenging Maps in Group: 5 Stars
Single PK: 2 Stars
Group PK: 2 Stars
Challenging Nest: 5 Stars
Total Stars: 14
Popularity in Teaming up: High
Advantages: They are a melee class having the best defense and physique, the most parry skills, unique invincible skills, high damage, a healing skill, the strongest survival ability and the fastest attack speed. In Group PK, they can pin down 2-3 enemies and launch counterattacks in the enemy rear. They can also deal with various opponents and keep alive in a Single PK.
Disadvantages: They are deficient in AOE skills and are easy to levitate enemies. They are not popular in challenging maps except exploring a nest. It is a bit boring to train paladins in the beginning. They are short of diversionary and chase skills. Fighting against them is more likely to end in a draw, unless you are very strong.
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: High
Challenging Maps in Group: 3 Stars
Single PK: 3 Stars
Group PK: 4 Stars
Challenging Nest: 4 Stars
Total Stars: 14
Popularity in Teaming up: Low-middle
Popularity in Nest Exploration and Nest of High Difficulty: High
- Attack speed serangan Swordmaster lebih cepat daripada Mercenary.
- Serangan Swordmaster memberikan efek kaku pada monster.
- Selain itu, Swordmaster memiliki banyak skill spam.
- Combo-nya lebih mudah daripada Mercenary.
- Serta memiliki defense yang cukup tinggi.
- Memiliki skill AoE (Area of Effect) yg tak cukup luas, dan damagenya lebih lemah daripada Mercenary
- Lemah kalo dikeroyok momon
- Magical Attacknya kecil, atau mungkin justru tak berarti
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: Low (High Middle Low)
Challenging Maps in Group: 3 Stars (5 Stars in total)
Single PK: 4 Stars
Group PK: 2 Stars (Sword Masters without shields are always the target of the opponent)
Challenging Nest: 3 Stars
Total Stars: 12
Popularity in Teaming up: Low-middle
Advantages: They have a larger area of effect and higher damage than sword masters in melee combats. Owning buffs and stiff effects, they cannot be knocked down easily. Additionally, they are strong in both Single PK and Group PK with rich combined skills.
Disadvantages: Like sword masters, they cannot deal enough damage while challenging maps alone. They have less damage than archers and sorceresses, fewer continuous skills, slower attack speed, more difficult combos and weaker survival ability than sword masters.
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: Low
Challenging Maps in Group: 3 Stars
Single PK: 4 Stars
Group PK: 3 Stars
Challenging Nest: 3 Stars
Total Stars: 13
Popularity in Teaming up: middle
Archer adalah job pengguna bow. Archer memiliki serangan yang sangat jauh lebih jauh daripada sorceress ataupun swordmaster, ketika level 15 kalian dapat memilih 1st job Acrobat atau Bowmaster
Advantages: Their agile manipulation and nimble moves can be felt through jumps and attacks at the beginning of the game. They have the most counter-escape skills, splendid combo skills and strong survival ability in map challenge and Group PK. Their acceleration skills (Speed up attack and skill-casting) are awesome to a group while challenging a map. They even have the highest critical strike rate when their agility reaches a high level.
Disadvantages: Compared with Bow Masters, they deal less damage and have a smaller area of effect. They are easily interrupted while releasing spells and attacks as a result of their long range. They are a class mainly depending on equipment and controls, because they have few damaging and diversionary skills. Good equipment can compensate for little damage, while bad equipment nearly doesn’t cause any damage.
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: Low-middle
Challenging Maps in Group: 3 Stars
Single PK: 5 Stars
Group PK: 3 Stars
Challenging Nest: 3 Stars
Total Stars: 14
Popularity in Teaming up: Middle
dvantages: They deal the highest damage in the early stage. Their puncture and AOE attacks together with long range allow players to enjoy the excitement of dealing massive damage and handle a PK easily. In the later period, their DPS is almost equivalent to Elemental Lords’. They also take the role of containing a boss’ hatred.
Disadvantages: Although bow masters have good skills, easy controls and excel at map challenge and PK, they don’t have any counterattack skills, so they cannot fight back as long as enemies get close. If they are encircled by a group of enemies, they are bound to die. As it takes them a long time to cast physical skills, they are easily assaulted. In comparison with other classes, they have lower HP and physique, thus they need good equipment.
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: High
Challenging Maps in Group: 5 Stars
Single PK: 4 Stars
Group PK: 3 Stars
Challenging Nest: 4 Stars
Total Stars: 16
Popularity in Teaming up: High
Sorceress adalah beginer job yang paling memiliki deff terkecil daripada job yang lain, tetapi Sorceress memiliki M.atk yang paling tinggi. Setelah level 15 kamu bisa memilih untuk menjadi ElementalLord atau ForceUser.
Advantages: They have the highest DPS in Dragon Nest. A strong elemental lord means a DPS dealer in instance. Having various slowdown and debuff skills, they can deal with various classes. They are an entertaining class with a variety of combined skills. They are also main DPS dealers in Group PK, their flash dodge and forceful flash dodge help them run away from a battlefield quickly.
Disadvantages: They have a short attack range and most of their skills are melee ones, so they are required to possess stronger controls and consciousness than melee classes. Having weak survival ability, they are more likely to attract bosses if they don’t control hatred well. Additionally, they have few dodge and escape skills, they may die easily.
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: Middle
Challenging Maps in Group: 4 Stars
Single PK: 4 Stars
Group PK: 4 Stars
Challenging Nest: 4 Stars
Total Stars: 16
Popularity in Teaming up: Upper-middle
Advantages: They have a variety of diversionary skills which can be cast upon bosses in a nest, in addition to a large area of effect. Therefore, force users are the most popular with groups while challenging a large nest. Their MP recovery skill is in demand most. Furthermore, their time-pause skill can be a decisive factor in Group PK.
Disadvantages: Although force users cause massive damage in challenging maps. Their ability in Single PK is not strong enough. More often than not, they often avoid frontal conflict, and escape until the opponent is in cooldown, only at that time do they release skills. However, if two sides run away, the PK will end in a draw unlimitedly.
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: Upper-middle
Challenging Maps in Group: 5 Stars
Single PK: 3 Stars
Group PK: 5 Stars
Challenging Nest: 5 Stars
Total Stars: 18
Popularity in Teaming up: High
Cleric adalah job yang memiliki darah lumayan tebal daripada job yang lain, dan defend tertinggi, cleric adalah 1-1nya job yang dapat menyembuhkan player lain. Cleric sangat dibutuhkan di dalam party karna skill supportnya yang sangat berguna. Ketika level 15 kalian dapat memilih 1st job kalian Paladin atau Priest.
Advantages: Priests are the only class capable of mastering various healing skills, boosting attack and defense and removing diverse debuffs. Meanwhile, they can use another kind of power- Light Element by worshiping Light God, so they also have DPS output. Moreover, they have high defense and physique, parry skill and strong survival ability, so they can challenge the Abyss instance on their own.
Disadvantages: All of their skills are used to recover HP and buff. Therefore, they will let players down in Single PK. However, in Group PK, they can do nothing but help recover HP and cast holy aurora or anything else.
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: Upper-middle
Challenging Maps in Group: 5 Stars
Single PK: 2 Stars
Group PK: 2 Stars
Challenging Nest: 5 Stars
Total Stars: 14
Popularity in Teaming up: High
Advantages: They are a melee class having the best defense and physique, the most parry skills, unique invincible skills, high damage, a healing skill, the strongest survival ability and the fastest attack speed. In Group PK, they can pin down 2-3 enemies and launch counterattacks in the enemy rear. They can also deal with various opponents and keep alive in a Single PK.
Disadvantages: They are deficient in AOE skills and are easy to levitate enemies. They are not popular in challenging maps except exploring a nest. It is a bit boring to train paladins in the beginning. They are short of diversionary and chase skills. Fighting against them is more likely to end in a draw, unless you are very strong.
Ability of Challenging Abyss Alone: High
Challenging Maps in Group: 3 Stars
Single PK: 3 Stars
Group PK: 4 Stars
Challenging Nest: 4 Stars
Total Stars: 14
Popularity in Teaming up: Low-middle
Popularity in Nest Exploration and Nest of High Difficulty: High
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